Tang Yuen Kin
Independent Non-Executive Chairman
“Staying stagnant is unacceptable. One needs to grow. To grow, one needs to continue to learn and adapt.”
Tham Kien Wai
Managing Director
“Trust the magic in you. You have the capability to make dreams into reality and challenges into Victory.”
Wong Yoke Yen
Executive Director
“True success in life comes not from chasing after wealth or fame, but from achieving a harmonious balance between work and personal life, treating everyone equal fairness, and being open to discussing both good and the bad. Only then can we truly thrive as individuals and as a society.”
Soh Wei Wei
Executive Director
“The biggest failure is to give up, the biggest enemy is yourself, and the biggest opponent is time.”
Selma Enolil Binti Mustapha Khalil
Independent Non-Executive Director
“When you keep your face towards the sunshine, the shadows will fall behind you.”
Dr Tou Teck Yong
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director
“Business entity needs to expand Sustainability beyond its norm for environmental protection, by including talent search, manpower development, management training, system and product innovation.”